Personal Growth

Welcome To Day 1 Of My 31 Day Blogging Challenge

Yeah, you read that title right: Day 1 of a 31-day blogging challenge. Is this crazy? Perhaps. Is this going to burn me out? There’s a strong possibility and I know what signs to look for if that happens. So, why do it? Because I want to. No one is challenging me except for myself because, simply put, I love a good challenge.

I know that this is going to be a big undertaking for me, but ultimately what this challenge is going to allow me to do is reconnect with my writer side.

All throughout high school and college, I identified as a writer, more specifically a journalist, and when I got my first job, that all changed. I felt I had lost a part of myself – a very special part of my identity. I changed all that when I took the plunge and invested in this space, my very own blog. Since starting this blog in February, I have written occasionally but not regularly, and that’s a shame. I am bursting with ideas and passion, but I have just neglected to put my fingers on keys and start typing.

That all changes today.

This blog marks the first of 31 blogs. In the next 31 days, I will writing about my life, my loves, the world around me (hey there, Grand Rapids), and, of course, self-care. So, I hope you’re ready because I know I am. Let this 31 days of blogs challenge commence!