Beauty,  Lifestyle

72 Self-Care Ideas

Self-care is a lifestyle. I can go on and on about that, but you can read all about how I came to that conclusion here. Yet, when we think of self-care, images of sheet masks and bubble baths float through our minds (don’t worry, those are on this list), but self-care is so much more than that. Self-care encompasses the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, personal, financial, as well as environment and work. This self-care list brings all of those aspects together in 72 ideas. This list is by no means exhaustive. And some things on this list may surprise you (check out #29), but that is because not all self-care is soft – some of it is hard – but it will leave you feeling accomplished and refreshed.

1. Buy yourself flowers

2. Walk the dog

3. 5 minutes of deep breathing

4. Read a book

5. Sit outside

6. Paint your nails

7. Meditate

8. Pray

9. Call a friend/relative

10. Go to the gym

11. Do some yoga

12. Go swimming

13. Buy yourself a coffee

14. Hang out with friends

15. Get at least 8 hours of sleep

16. Cook a healthful meal

17. Go on a bike ride

18. Ignore social media for a day

19. Donate to a charity

20. Journal

21. Attempt a DIY project from Pinterest

Painting this jacket was surprisingly therapeutic.

22. Indulge in your favorite treat

23. Clean out your email inbox and unsubscribe from newsletter lists

24. Turn the music up and have a spontaneous dance party

25. Take a nap

26. Take a bath

27. Apply a sheet mask

28. Watch the sunrise or sunset

29. Develop a personal budget

30. Practice saying “no”

31. Affirm yourself while looking in the mirror

32. Listen to a podcast or audiobook

33. Marie Kondo your life

34. Burn your favorite candle

35. Get a massage

36. Create a vision board

37. Stretch

38. Watch that new Netflix show

39. Have a game night with friends

40. Go to a museum and learn something new

Ricky and I love going on dates to museums because we enjoy learning together.

41. Treat yourself to a spa day

42. Comment positive affirmations on people’s IG pictures

43. Stay hydrated

44. Download the Memrise app and start learning a new language

45. Learn your love language

46. Take a mental health day

47. Cuddle with a pet

I love cuddling with this little guy.

48. Pick up an adult coloring book and get to work

49. Diffuse essential oils

50. Watch positive TedTalks

51. Hug someone

52. Practice mindful breathing

53. Write a list of things you like about yourself

54. Forgive yourself and others

55. Sing in the shower

56. Take an aromatherapy shower

57. Leave toxic relationships behind

58. Open your blinds/curtains and let the light in

59. Open a window

60. Wash your clothes

61. Write out the positives from your day

62. Brush your hair

63. Brush your teeth twice a day

64. Exfoliate and moisturize your body

65. Make a smoothie

66. Create art for your space

67. Ask for help

68. Create a self-care habit tracker

69. Practice a healthful work-life balance

70. Pay your bills on time

71. Organize your space

72. Find a new hobby…I took up blogging 😉